Monthly Archives: March, 2013

My (rejected) entries in this years Archibald and Wynne competitions

I haven’t got my paintings back yet to check that they got there and were opened and looked at (they usually put a sticker or some mark on the back) but I have to assume that they were seen by the trustees, or someone with the authority to reject.

Until I go and see the exhibition I cannot think of anything to say; (and usually after seeing them I still cannot think of anything to say.)

Here they are anyway:

Eric and Olgas dream smaller

Self Portrait with Eric and Olga and their Dream”

Its about “Rosenthal” where I lived my first seventeen years and returned many times until the place was finally sold and became derelict.

Eric and Olga, my parents, were pretty idealistic in their early years of marriage. In this painting they are about the ages that my kids now are. They were beautiful, talented, adventurous people.

“Rosenthal” was an idyllic spot, far from roads and neighbours; surrounded by bush covered hills.

A Willow and Yellow Box lined creek and large dam close by and the exquisite “Pinnacle” just across the creek rises above the plain.

As well as farming and grazing, with methods that today are called “organic” Eric wrote short stories and novels; Olga wrote poetry, sang Leider around the house, made a large garden and loved to entertain.

They made “Rosenthal”into a social hub…there was a tennis court across the creek where they had parties; the gentlemen carrying the ladies across the creek if it was wet. There were also parties on the slopes of the Pinnacle with excursions to the caves and the trig station where the views were breathtaking. They were the envy of all their friends; truly in love and fulfilling their dreams of being creative and making Rosenthal into an Arcadian dream.

It lasted about twenty years but Eric began suffering from bipolar mood disorder and high blood pressure, and Olga was sucked under by alcohol. The property began losing money; Eric was afraid he was losing his mind and suicided in 1960 aged 54. Olga died of cirrhosis of the liver about ten years later aged 59.

So in my painting Eric and Olga are statues on the “Pinnacle”made from the pinnacle conglomerate stone, overlooking Rosenthal as it was back in the thirties and forties. Thats me bottom left, pondering the situation.

Here is another photo of my Wynne entry:

Aunty Retas sculptures smaller


Aunty Reta’s Sculptures on the Pinnacle” about which there is a previous post herebelow